About Us

SparkDawn Media offers design, technology, photography, and videography services to corporations, non-profits, athletes and families. Headquartered in Southeastern Virginia, we use the power of technology to serve clients in our local community, across the Commonwealth, and nationwide.

Featured as one of the highest-rated photographers in Norfolk

SparkDawn Media is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and providing each of our clients with personalized, professional, superior service.

Our team possesses a unique blend of artistic, technical, and strategic skills. Our clients value our ability to embrace their vision and goals and to incorporate this understanding into the creative design process.

Since 2003, we’ve provided graphic design, web development, and strategic services to businesses, churches, schools, and organizations as ThingsEternal Strategic Solutions. As a larger share of our business shifted to media services and design, we re-branded our company as SparkDawn Media. We partner with our clients to design industry specific, efficient, and economical campaigns that achieve your vision. Our team has experience in business planning and marketing, information systems design, brand management, Internet design and development, and Customer Relationship Management.

We have provided a wide range of services to individuals, organizations, and businesses, including event planning, training, web site design, graphic design (business cards, logos, newsletters, portfolios and other materials), and research.

SparkDawn Media's System Development Life CycleWhether embarking on a web development project, or planning a video shoot, SparkDawn Media follows a variation of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to ensure a quality end result. The Life Cycle takes on various names and forms depending on who’s using it, so we’d like to share our interpretation of the process and explain how it impacts each of our client projects.

The SparkDawn process covers six main phases:

    1. Planning
    2. Analysis
    3. Design
    4. Development
    5. Implementation
    6. Maintenance

In short, we begin with the most important first step, where we endeavor to Understand the Problem at hand. Your needs are unique, and you have a unique vision for your project. We conduct interviews and research to identify every factor that shapes your project. Following planning and analysis, we design a solution to satisfy each of your requirements. Only after laying this sure foundation do we begin development and implementation. Some clients also request Maintenance services, where we manage the security and functionality of your technology and website. This measured approach gives you a high quality solution that will serve you well today and into the future. 


SparkDawn Media’s tagline represents our desire to offer you the most creative solutions possible, and to bring experience, enthusiasm, and excellence to each project.

What are you looking for? Whether it’s graphic design, web development, or other creative and technology services, chances are you’ll find it here.

We realize that every project is unique and that you have specific goals in mind. We will embrace your vision and help you bring it to fruition. Our mission is to ensure that our clients gain the valuable insight needed to improve their business.

SparkDawn Media offers design, technology, photography, and videography services to corporations, non-profits, athletes and families. Headquartered in Southeastern Virginia, we use the power of technology to serve clients in our local community, across the Commonwealth, and nationwide.

SparkDawn Media is a Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned (SWaM) business that has been certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise and is listed in the SWaM Business Directory.

DUNS Number: 047433199
Limited Liability Corporation, registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia
Licensed in the City of Newport News, Virginia

  • SparkDawn proved to be first rate and very professional! Their communication was excellent and the project was finished in the timeframes specified. In fact, many phases of the project were completed ahead of schedule.

    I’d highly recommend this company for website development.

    Ginger Davidson
    Ginger Davidson
    President Time Pieces, LLC
  • I am absolutely amazed! What an awesome job! Not only am I impressed with your creativity, but also your timeliness and the ease of working with you. I was equally impressed with your costs. I’m so glad I came to SparkDawn Media.

  • After our initial discussion, we felt that SparkDawn “got it.” They designed unique, complementary sites for our two companies and launched them both in time for our conference.”

    Rob Rosenberger
    Rob Rosenberger
    web design, web development, real estate
  • Thank you so much for everything. You made a great day timeless.

    M. Middleton
    M. Middleton
    Hampton, VA
  • Kimberly’s ability to take concepts and turn them into graphics and promotional materials is exceptional! She brings intuitive capture to our projects which eliminates the need for second, third and fourth design iterations. We are extremely pleased with the way that SparkDawn captured our vision and delivered a design and plan to us within days and within budget. I highly recommend Kimberly Davis and SparkDawn Media!

    Angela T. Butler, President
    The Reston (VA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated