Photobombed by the police! This officer caught us off guard by posing behind us — thanks, Norfolk Police Department for joining in the fun!!
Thank you for continuing to vote for SparkDawn Media in the Best of Hampton Roads contest!!! Click for a daily reminder email or to vote today. Thank you!!!
Do your love your league? Let the world know! Nominate your league for the Hampton Roads Sports Awards Dinner hosted by the Hampton Roads Sports Commission. Nomonate your favorite league or sports affiliate at
Holding back the tears at this #MonsterJam Military Homecoming #Godblessamerica
Business Owners: advertising in youth sports film projects is a fun way to share your brand as you #creatememories for local athletes! This clip aired during 2013 Movie Night and was included on every DVD. #tbt
Thank you, Alliance Group for inviting us to be part of #MonsterJam at the Hampton Coliseum — what a great show!
We’re you working at Monster Jam today?
#tbt 2016 in 30 photos or less – I thought it would be fun to sum up SparkDawn Media’s photography year in as few photos as possible – one example of each type of shoot we did. Here’s the collection — representative of thousands of photos of sports, landscapes, athletes, families, and more. Thank you to each of you for being a part of the journey! I appreciate you more than you know. Looking forward to an amazing 2017!!
Kim Davis
#inspirationignited #creatememories
May we have Your Vote?
Please Vote for SparkDawn Media under Advertising/Marketing Agency — daily votes till January 31 are especially important to reach the final round! #manythanks #pleasevote #pleasesharethispost
May we have your vote? SparkDawn Media is on the ballot for Coastal Virginia Magazine’s Best Of Readers’ Choice Awards! You can vote once per day (unlimited categories per day).
Please look for “SparkDawn Media” and click VOTE.
Advertising/Marketing Agency Company:
Small Business (25 Employees or Less):
Local Photographer:
You can vote once daily until January 31 (first round). Thanks for your votes!!